Running back-dated pay runs is easy to do with PaymentEvolution. Whether you’re a new client looking to add your recent data or are just looking to catch up, this guide will provide a walkthrough for how to complete back-dated pay runs in your account.
There are a few things you’ll need to consider before running any back-dated pay runs:
ePay Direct Deposit: If ePay is active in your account, then you will first need to ensure that you change the employee payment method to cheque. Switching payments to checks for back-dated runs prevents duplicate payments from being automatically issued.
Remittances: The second consideration, linked to ePay, is whether PaymentEvolution remits your source deductions automatically. If so, then running a back-dated pay run becomes more challenging. This is because even on pay runs where the employees are paid via cheque, the remittances are still debited and paid on your behalf. If this applies to you, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide alternatives (fees may apply). If we do not remit for you, then this is not an issue.
Processing Back-Dated Pay Runs
A back-dated pay run is processed just like any other pay run.
A. Simply start by going to Run Payroll. Click on Run Payroll.
B. Choose the payment date and pay cycle types. Be sure to enter the correct cycle dates, as the system will likely default to more current dates. If payments for this run have already been issued for the employees and just need to record the run (so you will be setting these to cheque), then be sure to enter the payment date that they received the payments. If they have not yet been paid, you will need to set a more current payment date, but the cycle dates will remain the same.
C. Since this would still be part of your regular cycle, be sure to select Regular Payroll Type.
D. Click on Submit.
H. Select the checkbox to choose specific employees whose work hours you want to approve.
I. Click on Approve.
J. Repeat the steps above for any additional employees if needed. Then click on Next to continue payrun.
If you've already made payments to employees, ensure that the current payment matches the amounts you've paid them exactly.
K. Click on Yes to calculate payroll using your company defaults.
In the final step on the Payments tab, ensure that your employees are set to receive checks if you've already paid them. If ePay hasn't been set up, this will be the default option, but always double-check before finalizing.
Note: always be sure to verify that you check for a second page of employees or expand the records per page to ensure that all employees are set correctly!).
L. Check the employees’ payment type, and confirm the payment information.
M. Click on Finish this payrun.
N. Confirm the payment details and click Yes, authorize.
O. Review the payment summary and finish running payroll.