Views: 1371

How to Add Custom Earnings

Creating and adding custom earnings for your staff is easily done with our custom pay rules feature.  You can use this to distinguish between different jobs and different rates that you may pay an employee.

To add a Custom Earning, follow these steps:

A. Go to Settings.

B. Click on Pay Rules.

C. Click on Earnings.

D. Click on Add New Rule.

E. Set up the rule through entering the employee’s name. You can leave GL code blank.

F. Continue set up the rule as follows:

  • Enabled is checked
  • T4 Box: enter any special T4 box numbers (do not include box 14)
  • Provincial Box: enter any special RL-1 box letters (do not include box A)
  • CPP is checked
  • EI is checked
  • Federal Tax is checked
  • Provincial Tax is checked
  • Vacationable is checked (depending on your province, most will set this as ON)
  • Occasional Earnings is checked

G. Click Savings.

This earnings rule is now available to use in a pay run.

To use this new rule in the pay run:

A. Click on Run Payroll. 

B. Choose the payment date, payroll type, and pay cycle types.
C. Click on Submit.

D. Click the "+" to add any additional earnings. 


*Include the rate in the Rule Name if you want your employee to see that they were paid a different rate for the work that they performed

E. Your new rule will be available from the Earnings Code dropdown. Then entering the rate, hour, and total earnings amount.

F. Click on Add and Submit. Then continue running your payroll as usual.