
We're updating the PayChequer login process to be easier and more secure, and you maybe be prompted to update your login. This article will walk you through the process - it'll only take a minute.

To find out more about why this is changing, see PayChequer Login Updates - What & Why.

A. Login with your current PayChequer login credentials. As a username, you can use your employee ID or your email.

If you’re logging in from, ensure you have your company alias from your employer. If you’re logging in from your company’s direct URL (i.e., you will not need to enter the company alias as shown below.

B. Confirm your email. 
C. Confirm your phone number. 
D. Continue 

E. Receive a verification link at the email or phone number you enter. Then, click Continue.

F. Confirm your address and click Submit. This will be used by your employer to complete your T4, RL-1 or T4A.

G. If your current PayChequer password does not meet our password requirements, you will be prompted to set a new one. Once you've updated, click Update Password. If it already meets the requirements, this step will automatically be skipped.

You will then receive an email from us confirming this change.

Logging in

Now you’re all set! You can now log in with those credentials at After you’ve updated your account, your page will look a little different after logging in.

If you work with multiple companies that use PaymentEvolution, you can merge your PayChequer accounts under one email. You can access all of these accounts from this single dashboard. 

Click on the company you wish to access, and you’ll be able to access your pay slips, tax documents and other data just as before!

If you have any issues signing in, please get in touch with your employer first, as they can resolve the majority of login issues with the help of our Support team.