
The Payment Register report is great for seeing when, how and how much each employee was paid for a particular pay run. As with many of the other reports, it lists the date the report was created, the payment date (Payroll Date) and can be viewed or downloaded (depending on plan type). 

Clicking on View will provide you with the following: 

1 – Type – this the payment method. If ever an employee was not paid, be sure to check here to verify the method that was set for them. 

2 – Ref No – this is the cheque reference number which is printed on the cheque report (if applicable). If you’d like to change this to match your cheques, follow the steps below: 

        1. Reach the PAYMENTS step while running payroll 

        2. Change the number in the field Ref # to match the first cheque you will print on. All other employees will fall in order. 

3 – Payment Date – the date the employees received or will receive their payment. 

4 – Amount – this the net pay amount that the employee receives. 

5 – Account – this is the cost account for the General Ledger. This can be changed in the employee’s profile, under Payroll Details and Rules if needed.