
The Journal report provides a detailed breakdown of every pay run completed in the system. This report is great if you’re looking for more than just the basic hours and earnings of an employee on a specific pay run. 


1 – Filter Status – you can select the type of report you wish to view, either by Final, Interim or All. Final will show the reports for any finalized runs. Interim reports are generated once you reach the Review step of running payroll. If you finalize the run from there, the report will become the Final version. The interim reports you see here are the reports generated prior to you going back to make changes and recalculating. 

2 – Created – this is the date the report was created 

3 – Payroll Date – this is the payment date of the pay run 

4 – Status – here you will be able to see whether it is a Final or Interim report. This is most useful if filtering by All, as you’ll be able to differentiate between the Interim and Final reports. 

5 – View/Download – on the Business Plan or above, you will have the option to export these reports to PDF and some plans have an Excel option. On the Green plan, you will be able to click View to see the report at the bottom of the page. 

Viewing the report will provide you with a detailed breakdown with all of the employee-related amounts on a pay run. Here, you can see all of their payments and statutory deductions. Downloading the report will also provide you with additional information, such as any custom benefits or deductions you have added.  

To expand the report to show additional fields in the View option (rather than downloading), click the Display button and select the specific rules you wish to show: