
If you've added a new tax rule but notice that the amounts aren't showing up in your remittance report or when you pay the government, take a look at your general ledger account code settings.

A. Go to Settings.

B. Go to Payroll Options.

C. Click on G/L.

D. Write down the GL Code for Federal Tax.

To update the Additional Tax deduction rule:

E. Go to Settings.

F. Click on Pay Rules.

G. Select Deductions.

H. Update the GL code on the Pay Rule to match what wrote down in G/L sheet.

If you have set the correct GL code and are still experiencing an issue, there are two options you can choose to solve the issue.

I. Try checking the custom rule and ensure that it has been enabled using the check box.

You can also check your employee profiles to ensure you've added the custom rule and set a value. 

J. From the left-hand menu, select Employees.

K. Click the Ellipses of the employee you’d like to check.

L. Select Profile.

M. Click on Payroll.

N. Click Pay Structure.

O. Ensure you’ve added the custom rule and set a value.

P. Click on Save.

Once the GL code is set correctly and the rules applied, the additional tax will be deducted from the employee's pay and remitted along with your regular remittances.