How can I access Chequer Tax?
Starting in 2025, employees can connect to Chequer Tax powered by CloudTax using the "Tax Filing" link on the Chequer home page or via the links on the PayChequer.com home page.
How much does this service cost?
Nothing! PaymentEvolution is covering the cost of this service for your 2024 tax return. If you access your pay statements via Chequer - you can enjoy free filing via Chequer Tax!
What if I need to file a spousal return or an additional return for a member of my family? Is it still free?
Individuals with a Chequer account can file up to five free tax returns for members of their immediate family. For example, if you are filing a joint spousal return with your partner, that will count as two returns. If you are additionally filing a spousal return for two parents plus an individual return for an adult child, that would count as three more returns, for a total of five. Any children under the age of 18 and eligible dependents claimed under an individual or spousal return do not count as a separate filing, so do not count towards this total.
Can I file a return for a previous year?
Yes, you can file a return for the 2024, 2023 and 2022 tax years. Previous year returns are provided as a courtesy - please note that the CRA may assess penalties for late filing if you have a balance owing.
Can my employer access my tax information?
No, absolutely not. PayEvo and CloudTax ensure all your personal data remains private and secure. PayEvo, CloudTax and your employer do not have access to your filings.
How secure is the CloudTax integration?
CloudTax uses advanced encryption to protect user data. It meets all CRA security standards to ensure safe and secure tax filing. CloudTax is a Canadian company (like PayEvo) and shares the same extensive security and privacy requirements PayEvo has with your confidential information.
Who can use this service?
What happens if I encounter a technical issue while filing my taxes?
You can access support from CloudTax to resolve technical or tax-related issues during the filing process. If you have a complicated or uncommon scenario, advanced (paid) support is available from CloudTax (or you can confer with your tax professional).
Is CloudTax CRA-certified?
Yes! They've been fully certified by the CRA since 2018. All your tax filings will meet government standards and regulations. CloudTax has processed over 100,000 returns in Canada and is PayEvo's trusted partner for Chequer Tax.
Are there alternatives to Chequer Tax?
Yes - in Canada there are several options like TaxCut, TurboTax, WealthSimple Tax and others - but remember that all these options must meet the same stringent CRA criteria for calculating your returns (and produce the same results) to receive CRA approval. Chequer Tax by CloudTax is fully certified by the Canada Revenue Agency (and the filing is covered by PayEvo).
How does this work?
Employees paid through PaymentEvolution can access the free CloudTax filing service via the links on the Paychequer.com home page, or by using the "Tax Filing" link on the new Chequer home page at app.paychequer.com. CloudTax will walk you through the rest. They'll calculate your returns and submit them directly to the CRA.