
The Year to Date Journal report is a record of all pay run data that has been processed through finalized pay runs. As a result, it cannot report on any changes that were made manually to an employee’s YTD information in their profile. This report is very useful when processing T4s as you can use it to compare with the Year to Date Summary report to ensure your data is up to date. 

Creating the Report 

The YTD Journal report must be created manually. To do this: 

  1. Ensure that you are in the correct payroll year in the upper right corner of the page 

      If you need to change the year, go to Settings > Payroll Options > Payroll Year > Save. 
  2. Go to Reports > Yearly > Year to Date Journal 
  3. Click Create New Report 

Creating a new report will provide you with the current YTD information. This means that a report created in March will have much less data than one created in December. If you’re using this report for the purpose of reviewing your T4s, be sure to create a new report at that time to have the most up-to-date information. 

Using the Report 

1 – Created – the date the report was created. Please note that this does not necessarily indicate the year that the report is for. 

2 – Create New Report – click this button to create a new YTD Journal report. 

3 – Download – on the Business Plan or above, you will be able to download a PDF version of this report. 

Once you download the report, at the top of the report page it will list the payroll year as well as some general employee information, like their name, pay rate, GL cost account, and more: 

Below the employee’s information, you will see their payroll data such as earnings, hours and deductions. It is broken down into one column per pay run, with a total YTD column at the very end. For employees involved in many pay runs, there may be 2 or more pages worth of information, so be sure review the entire report. 

Why is my YTD Journal different than my YTD Summary?

The YTD Journal and the YTD Summary get information from different places, so they may be different.  If you have been using PayEvo to process your payroll for the entire calendar year, these two reports should match exactly.  If they do not, this is an indication that you, or someone in your organization, has made manual changes to the employee(s) YTD.

The YTD Journal gets its data from finalized pay runs only.  These are all pay runs completed in the program.

The YTD Summary gets its data from the employee YTD only.

Most Common reasons why the YTD Journal and Summary might not match:

  • Started with PayEvo part way through the year and entered employee YTD on start-up.  The YTD Summary will then be a total of the YTD Journal amounts plus what was entered on start-up.
  • Manual changes to employee YTD