
Depending on your payment method, either one or both of these reports will be generated upon finalizing a pay run. The Payslips report will always generate, but the Cheques report will only be created if an employee is set to payment via cheque. You will have the option to view these reports on all plans, but only those on the Business Plan or higher will have the ability to download or print them to PDF. 

*Note, if you use a combination of  cheques and bank payments you will get 3 reports.  One payslip report for those employees being paid via bank, one payslip report for those employees being paid by cheque and one cheque report.  


You can use the Payslip report if an employee does not use PayChequer and you would like to send them their payslip. To do this, you will need to be able to split their slip from the rest, as the PDF download will give you a document that includes all the employee slips from that pay run. 

Cheques and Modifying Layout 

On the Business Plan, which allows you to print cheques for your employees, you can use the Cheques report to print them out on to your company’s cheque cardstock. Even if you set the payment method to Cheque with the intention of paying the employee via e-transfer or another method, this report will still generate. 

If you’d like to print cheques, be sure to modify the formatting before finalizing your first pay run, as any formatting changes will only impact pay runs that have not been completed. If you finalize a run and then change the formatting, the cheques will still be formatted as per the previous settings. 

To modify the formatting, go to Settings > Payroll Options > Cheque Layout